A graphic featuring maroon and gold colors with bold text

A University of Minnesota vision for 
our state, nation and world

The time has come to set a bold new vision for the University’s future—one that pushes boundaries and redefines what’s possible for our system of five strong campuses. Our tradition of excellence will propel us into a transformative future. Together, we will achieve the unimaginable, loudly broadcast our excellence, and create a future that reflects the very best of who we are and who we can become.

The strategic plan will articulate our values and commitments and help us improve our operational performance. It can also elevate our reputation as a leading public research university by identifying where we can make strategic investments that position us competitively in the years ahead.

Planning timeline

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Phase I (December–January): Setting the charge

  • Steering committee commences 
  • Organize launch events
  • Develop systemwide surveys

Phase II (February–April): Landscape analysis

  • Begin a broad and inclusive listening tour
  • Collect and analyze data
  • Set a vision
  • Draft strategic imperatives

Phase III (May–August): Refining strategic imperatives

  • Refine strategic imperatives
  • Voice Sessions
  • Deploy custom surveys 
  • External stakeholder listening tour

Phase IV (September–December): Finalize and deliver plan

  • Develop initiatives 
  • Draft strategic plan
  • Facilitate plan scenarios 
  • Final walkthrough
  • Plan launch