Inspired by the State of Minnesota, MPact 2025 reflects our deepened commitment to research, teaching, and service, open access to opportunity, and forward-thinking innovation to advance the University’s land-grant mission and impact the world.

We are focused on accountability. We produce annual progress reports for the Board of Regents each December.

accountability report cover page

All historical plans and internal reports are available on the Institutional Data and Research website

Serving Minnesota Students

70% of enrolled freshman systemwide are from Minnesota this fall. The past three years have been the highest years of MN high school graduate enrollment.

Continued Strong Demand

Systemwide, the University welcomed more than 68,000 students for the Fall 2023 semester, the fourth highest enrollment in history. The Twin Cities campus saw the second highest enrollment with nearly 55,000 students.

Record-High Graduation Rates

The Duluth and Rochester campuses had the highest 4-year graduation rates ever recorded. The Twin Cities campus recorded the second highest 4-year and the overall highest 6-year graduation rates.

Student Career Outcomes

Nearly 92% of graduated students systemwide are employed or are continuing their education.

Systemwide, over two thirds of employed graduates work for a company or organization located in Minnesota.

students diligently working on their laptops
Student walking on campus, engaged in conversation and laughter
Students clapping during commencement ceremony

Highest Ever National Ranking

The Twin Cities campus achieved its highest national universities ranking ever at #53 according to U.S. News and World Report, and continues to rank in the top 25 of public national universities.

in National Universities  

in Top Public Schools

Research Impact

$1 billion plus in research awards for the third year in a row; external research funding has increased 30% over the past five years.

Record-Setting New Startups

The University launched 23 new startups.

Industry Partnerships

$131.4 million in industry sponsored awards is the University’s 2nd highest total ever.

$495.6 Million 

In state-sponsored research over the past five years across all disciplines.

A researcher wearing a white coat walking inside a greenhouse
A researcher working on a mechanical structure with a blue hue
Researchers, clad in a UMD t-shirts, placing an EEG device on a person's head

Meeting Sustainable Development Goals

Helping MN and the world meet sustainable development goals.

#8 University in the U.S. overall 

  • Ranked 2nd for promoting good health and well-being 
  • Ranked 3rd for combating hunger, up two spots from 2022

Increasing Medical School Funding 

  • #8 among U.S. public medical schools, up 5 spots from the previous year 
  • #21 among all U.S medical schools, the University’s highest ranking in 30 years

Based on funding received according to the NIH Blue Ridge Institute for Medical Research.

Enhancing Extension’s Reach 

Individual partnerships with Extension continue to rise, up 22 percent in the past two years to 1,724.

A veterinarian listening to a dog's heartbeat with a stethoscope
Researchers posing for photo with a group of students


Systemwide, the incoming Fall 2023 freshman class had the highest percentage of BIPOC students in recorded history, representing nearly one third of all freshmen.

Faculty & Staff 

Newly hired faculty and staff who identify as BIPOC rose to a new high of nearly 25% systemwide, and the percentage of total BIPOC faculty and staff has risen more than 6 percentage points since 2012.

University Suppliers 

In FY23, the Office for Supplier Diversity grew the Targeted Business Directory from 78 businesses to 530. The directory lists suppliers that are owned and operated by BIPOC, women, and/or disabled individuals.

Investing in DEI Partnerships 

More than ¼ of the University’s new private partnerships were committed to investment managers classified as emerging, minority- or woman-owned.

A meeting of individuals, one of whom is using a wheelchair, while the others are seated on chairs.
Students capturing a selfie moment

Expanding Student Aid

The University expanded the amount of student financial aid that does not need to be repaid to $307.3M, exceeding $300M for the first time and surpassing the MPact 2025 goal of $304M.

Increased Student Employment

15% increase in University employment opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students over the past four years.

Investing in the University’s Future

$328 million in proceeds from the University’s  Long Term Capital Financing Program have been allocated to Board-approved projects; $66 million of that supported projects in the past year, including upgrading the University’s education and research buildings and utilities infrastructure

three students posing for a photo
Students diligently working on their laptops